On Saturday, I begrudgingly bought a new pair of trainers. I say begrudgingly because they are pink! Seriously, I nearly left the shop when I saw them but I need them and they didn't have the ones I wanted in any muted (normal) colours. It really annoys me that sports companies think women want their sportswear to be pink and covered in diamante. Anyway I have modified them slightly by swapping the laces!!
C'mon Asics you're better than this! |
We left Lucy just after the 13 mile marker and I focused on the task ahead. With 3 and a half today Bozza reminded me exactly what the point of all this was by reminiscing about last years London Marathon. Thousands of people shouting your name, crossing Tower Bridge and the wall of sound as you finish on The Mall. The very thought of this made the hairs on the backs of my arms stand on end and gave me that final push.
So on to this week.......Because of a trip to my parents house in Norfolk I did my mid-week run a day early. Twas a beautiful day as I donned my new trainers on the Greenway for a fairly brisk 9 miler. I spent a very pleasant day in 'The Big Schmoke" on Wednesday going on the London Eye and then to a show to celebrate my Mum's 70th Birthday. Bozza put in an appearance on Thursday amid another panic by the British public as hoards of morons queued at petrol stations. Fortunately I don't need any fuel to get to the shops for a while because I stocked up the cellar with 'tins' the last time a snowflake fell in West Yorkshire *smashes head repeatedly into a wall*
The weather took another turn for the better and we went for a very short 3 mile blast round to get a bit of life back into our legs. On Friday we went off road and completed an 8 mile circuit of the Pingo trail. My parents are very lucky to have this sort of thing so close to their front door and it made a welcome change to pounding the pavements and negotiating traffic. Sunday will be our longest run (22 miles) and then we begin our taper.
Bring it on..................