After Saturday's trauma and after a day of rest I was feeling considerably better than I thought I would. Miraculously the pain in my shins has gone. It has been replaced by lower back pain which I suffered with for quite a while at the end of last year. It was almost certainly caused by overtraining and weakness in my glutes, hamstrings and core muscles. Previously it has been eased by running and normally becomes painful when remaining in the same position for a prolonged period of time e.g. when in bed trying to sleep!
Anyway we decided to do our track session tonight, which consisted of the following:
1 x mile warm up
14 x 400m (95s), 200m (90s) recovery
1 x mile cool down
I had a word with myself earlier on in the day and I'm trying to remain in a positive frame of mind.
After our mile warm up my legs felt fine, tired but not painful. My back on the other hand was and it was making me feel like I was running lopsided. I have tried to explain this on numerous occassions to people and all I can liken it to is when the tracking is out on your car, when it pulls to one side, you have to wrestle with it to get it straight.
The laps went down really slowly and by the time the others had finished their 100m interval session we were only half way through! In my head I was saying "I'll do 10 and then I'll stop". Then I'm thinking "Ok, I'll do 12 and then I'll stop". Thing is once I'd done 12, I thought "I may as well do 14!" Bozza really helped me get through the last few by running with me for the first 200m.
By the time we'd completed all our laps the track was empty and there were just a few stragglers left in the club house. We still had a mile cool down to do n'all!!
I think that was probably the hardest track session we've done to date. Dunt matter though cos I put everything I'd got into it and saw it through to the end. I've had a look at the track sessions we've got coming up over the next few weeks and I kind of which I hadn't.......!!!!
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