Friday, 24 February 2012

"Big Girls Don't Cry...."

Well I think maybe they do actually, especially when they're being subjected to huge amounts a pain by a Finnish Sports Masseuse!

Yes today was my second sports massage and it was just as bad (if not worse than the first!) I was totally convinced  when I arrived that because I knew what to expect I would be able to tolerate the pain more than last time.......WRONG!

Anyway she started with my calves and told me that the muscle should split into two bits (I don't know the scientific shiz for this) but mine are just one big clump of muscle, which apparently is bad.  She also told me that I've got shin splints. I can't be arsed to explain what these are but they are caused by lots of running (especially on the road) and they hurt.

After some manipulation and a lot of squirming and hysterical laughter (it was either that or crying) she lets out a long sigh.  "Why is she sighing?" I think.  Then she says "Right I'm going to try something and it's going to really hurt" Yeah like it didn't really hurt already!  I have no idea what she did next (she did explain but I was to busy concentrating on remaining conscious).  It was like she performed her own take on the Kill Bill exploding heart technique. I dunno but it almost made me cry!

The rest of the massage passed in a blur but she did tell me that I need to work on my flexibility and my strength.  Apparently my muscles are so tight that I could risk injury if I don't get them sorted.  That'll mean more of the same then!

Alex had an appointment straight after me and when he asked me how it went,  I wished him good luck and left...........

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