Thursday, 16 February 2012

Mirror, mirror......

Oookkkkaaayyyy!! My legs are a bit ruined! I could quite easily have done nothing today but I was  tasked with getting the house in a state worthy of receiving guests tomorrow night! Following the knocking down of a bedroom wall, which required the shifting (not for the first time) of boxes of crap.  These boxes of crap now need to be shifted back again!  This picture gives you some idea of what I was up against! As well as shifting numerous boxes, cleaning, dusting and hoovering, I  also ripped up a carpet and dragged it down stairs, moved a bed and a mattress.  I had no idea how I was gonna get through 15 x 200m on the track tonight?!

At about 5.30pm, the Hoover packed up, so I downed tools.  At 6.00pm I sat on the bed and thought about how tired I felt and said to myself  "maybe I should have the night off." I decided to put on my kit and that's when the trouble started.  I have always been in two minds about whether to talk about my eating disorder in this blog, but I think it's important that I do, so I will (sometimes).  I looked at myself in the mirror and hated what I saw.  What I saw was a shapeless mound of fat, it made me recoil in horror and want to smash every mirror in the house.  I got changed 4, 5, 6 times, paced from one room to another, looking in different mirrors but the reflection didn't change and there's a voice in my head screaming "Why? Why is this happening to me? Make it stop" The anorexic voice answers "because you're fat, greedy and lazy!" I know why I'm carrying some extra weight at the moment but it feels unbearable and I didn't think I could leave the house, I can't let anyone see how grotesque I look.  Then my rational voice took over (this is progress) and told me not to listen, don't let it win and besides the regret I'll feel if I don't go will make me feel even worse. Within a few minutes, I was out of the front door and in my car on the way to the track.  Hhhaaaa SCREW YOU........!! 

O would some Power the gift to give us
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many blunder free us,
And folish notion:
What airs in dress and gait would leave us,
And even devotion

~ Robert Burns


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